SCE Learning Modalities

Synchronous Learning
Synchronous learning occurs when learners and instructors engage in real-time interactions, whether in person or online, ensuring simultaneous participation in educational activities.
Face to Face
Traditional classroom-based learning with in-person attendance. These sessions are supported by digital tools (e.g., Moodle) to enhance the learning experience. Learners complete assignments, prepare for sessions, and participate in assessments under the instructor's guidance.
Live Online
Virtual classes are conducted entirely online and led by full-time instructors. Course activities, including lectures, discussions, and assessments, take place in real time through virtual platforms with scheduled meetings. Active participation and attendance at these sessions are typically required.
Dual Delivery
SCE Dual Delivery classrooms are designed to enhance accessibility and flexibility for our learners, ensuring uninterrupted learning and promoting active engagement through advanced classroom technologies. Learners can choose between in-person or remote attendance, enabling them to learn simultaneously in their preferred environment.

Asynchronous Learning
Asynchronous learning allows learners to access course materials and complete activities at their own pace without requiring simultaneous participation.
Self Paced Instructor-led
This modality combines self-paced learning with structured support from an instructor. Modules are released weekly, with set deadlines for assignments and assessments. Interaction occurs through discussion forums, recorded lectures, or other tools, and instructors provide feedback during scheduled office hours and on submitted work.
Self-Paced Autonomous
Learners progress entirely on their own, interacting with online course materials and completing automated assignments and assessments. This modality offers no real-time sessions or peer interaction, and learners receive feedback only through automated systems or at the end of the course with final grades.