two students holding the american flad

The 2020 English Language Mentors Program - Cooperation with the US Embassy

February 1, 2020

The School of Continuing Education at the American University in Cairo is implementing the 2020 English Language Mentors program on behalf of the US Embassy in Cairo. This program highlights the positive working relationship between AUC and the Regional English Language Office at the US Embassy in Cairo. It brings together talented professionals at AUC, American-English language specialists and highly motivated Egyptian teachers who will be trained to be mentors to their colleagues. This is the kind of program that has a lasting positive impact for many Egyptians.

One hundred and fifty Egyptian-English language specialists will work with trainers and other experts at AUC to deliver cutting edge programs designed to create a cadre of well trained, highly motivated mentors to work with other Egyptian-English teachers on developing skills and approaches related to language instruction, curriculum design, classroom management, development of critical thinking skills and using data to support teaching assessments.