Accreditation Reaffirmed
The School of Continuing Education (SCE) at the American University in Cairo received reaccreditation by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
IACET is the premier accrediting organization for continuing education and training and this is SCE’s third accreditation with the organization. SCE was first accredited by IACET in 2010, with each accreditation period lasting five years.
IACET accreditation requires a thorough and rigorous review of all programs, course offerings, instruction, staffing, internal processes and quality control. SCE undertook a thorough, multi-month internal review process, followed by a review of all relevant documents by a group of IACET experts and then a site visit by IACET. The successful reaccreditation process reflects SCE’s commitment to quality education and also allows SCE to continue to offer courses with Continuing Education Units, the standard unit of measurement of individual participation in all non-credit continuing education programs offered by SCE.